cortical feature 분석을 통해 확인된 focal cortical dysplasia 환자에서 성공적 뇌전증 수술 결과를 보인 증례 1례

cortical feature 분석을 통해 확인된 focal cortical dysplasia 환자에서 성공적 뇌전증 수술 결과를 보인 증례 1례

A successful epilepsy surgery case with focal cortical dysplasia detected by cortical feature analysis

Release Date : 2017. 10. 26(목)
Hyunjin Kim,M.D1, Min-Jee Kim M.D.1, Mi-Sun Yum M.D.1, Hye-Ryun Ye M.D.1, Seokho Hong, M.D.2, Woo-Hyun Shim Ph.D.3 , Tae-Sung Ko M.D.1
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Pediatrics1
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Neurosurgery2
Ulsan University Asan Medical Center Department of Radiology3
김현진1, 김민지1, 염미선1, 예혜련1, 홍석호2, 심우현3 , 고태성1
울산의대 서울아산 어린이병원 소아청소년과1
울산의대 서울아산 어린이병원 신경외과2
울산의대 서울아산 어린이병원 영상의학과3


[Introduction ] Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is one of the most common etiology of drug resistant focal epilepsy. Although delineation of the lesion with brain MRI is very critical for better outcomes of epilepsy surgery, only half of FCD lesions can be found by routine visual inspection of the MRI. Here we describe a case of focal cortical dysplasia identified by cortical feature analysis and successfully treated by epilepsy surgery. [Case] A 19-year-old boy was admitted to our hospital because of pre-surgical evaluation for epilepsy surgery. He has been treated as drug resistant non-lesional focal epilepsy for 5 years ago. During monitoring, he presented several seizures with staring and lip smacking followed by left side eyeball deviation and forced head turning, sometimes evolving to secondary generalized tonic clonic seizures with left arm extension and right arm flexion. Ictal EEG showed runs of polyspike discharges from right frontal areas evolving to bilateral frontal fast activities and the inter-ictal epileptiform discharges were observed most frequently from right frontal areas. Brain PET (F-18 FDG) scans showed decreased metabolism of the right frontotemporoparietal cortex and brain ictal SPECT revealed diffusely increased perfusion of bilateral lateral temporal cortex. Using freesurfer analysis and comparison with 200 normal healthy controls, cortical feature analysis detected significantly increased cortical thickness in right inferior temporal gyrus of the patient and subsequent intracranial ECOG monitoring revealed the right inferior and posterior temporal onset ictal discharges. Right antero-mesial temporal lobectomy with posterior basal extension was performed and focal cortical dysplasia type 1C with abnormal radial and tangential cortical lamination was pathologically confirmed. After surgery, he has been seizure free more than one year. [Conclusion] Cortical feature analysis can improve the detection of structural lesion in patients with FCD and concomitant epilepsy. Further studies with large number of patients are needed.

Keywords: cortical feature analysis, ,